Saturday, November 29, 2008

CBS: A Return to Intellegent Entertainment?

I want to take a moment to give a tip of the hat to CBS. Over the past few years they have introduced several new shows that are both smart and entertaining. This year offerings include The Mentalist and 11th Hour. The three CSI shows and Numbers have been on the air for a while now and have introduced us to main characters that use science, math and logic. Its high time that a major network has stopped dumbing down our entertainment and given us something to actually enjoy watching. While these shows may not always be accurate (most crime labs are lucky to get DNA results in weeks not hours) they are better than mind-numbing situational comedies and far-fetched soap styled dramas. Hopefully this trend of rational protagonists will continue and maybe even spread to the other networks. Now if something could be done about Ghost Whisperer....

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